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Tuesday 24 April 2012

There's an App for that... How mobile is your website?

Is your website optimised for Mobile Web and Apps?

Holy Moly, owned by Endemol and one of the largest entertainment news and gossip websites in the UK, recently tweeted that they had a record month of 14million page impressions in 30 days – with 40% of those on mobile devices. That's an amazing statistic and shows that more and more people are using smartphones and tablets to access websites. This is a large section of potential readers and customers and your website should be optimised for mobile browsing. Mobile Apps are also becoming more popular and are an excellent tool for business - the easier you make it for your customer the more likely they are to deal with you, and an app bringing you right to your customers' smartphone or tablet bearing your name and logo is a powerful tool! Saucy Horse Social Media are able to help you mobilise your business with a Mobile Website and Mobile Apps. Could mobilisation help your marketing and increase your reach? The figures say it can - are you missing out?

1 comment:

  1. To get started, make a list of what you're currently doing each week to promote your business and see if you can add any of the suggestions I've made here.
