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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Video for websites - where do you find your inspiration?

As I sit here in my garret, looking for inspiration, a thought strikes me. Actually, in this technical age should it still be a garret?  Shouldn't it now be an EMP-shielded-bunker?

As I sit here in my EMP-shielded-bunker, looking for inspiration, a thought strikes me.  If you are looking to put video on your website but are unsure as to how to do it, where should you look for good examples? Join me as we wander through my thought processes. I'll try to keep the tangential thoughts to a minimum.

How are good things recognised? Sometimes, with awards.  So off I went to have a look at the Webby Awards site. Each category has two awards; the Judges' votes and the People's choice so gives a fair result as to what is going on in website land. You could easily lose a day wandering round the Webby website but today I am focused and looking for inspiration, so went straight to the Best Use Of Moving Video Category. The winner, The Wilderness Downtown is - OMG THIS IS AMAZING - focus focus - utterly beautiful, but not exactly what I am looking for for inspiration if I wanted to put video on my site (actually that's not true; we can take ideas and concepts from it but not what I am looking for today). So with a last longing look at my childhood home on the video, I went to TED.com the winner of the People's Choice award. (This is more about TED)

TED's whole concept is "Ideas Worth Sharing" and the whole site is videos of people sharing ideas, concepts, discussions. Again, I seem to have led you into a site that could happily keep you entertained all day, so please forgive me. If you are looking for inspiration, go to inspirational people and this site is full of them.

There's my quick ten minute guide as to where to find inspiration for putting video on your website.  Seriously, inspiration is everywhere.  The Wilderness Downtown shows that if you have an idea, explore it and see if it's possible. The Webbys is only one website, if you see a video or have an idea, explore it, find out if it's suitable for your business or message and then film it and put it on your site.  It doesn't have to be on a massive scale if that is putting you off - create something that people want to see and return to. You will reap the benefits of social organic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

What ideas or inspiration have you had for videos?

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